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Technical translation
a synonym for ”specialized translator”

Since its establishment, AFTCom has been focusing on technical translation, relying on its team of experts and professionals and using specialized terminology databases; we perform translation of user manuals, analytical methods, audits, inspection reports, diagrams, patents, etc.


The example of translation in the field of cosmetics

Scientific and marketing knowledge

The sector of cosmetics attracts you with its glamor and the luxury that surrounds it. Many translators would like to specialize in this area, but only a few of them have necessary skills. It represents a delicate combination of biology, chemistry and sociology; in addition to linguistic skills, cosmetic translation requires both scientific and marketing knowledge. For lay public this universe evokes the idea of anti-wrinkle creams, beauty masks, serums or moisturizing creams, but this specialty is no less complex and demanding.

The main difficulty associated with the translation of a cosmetic text originates from the fact that the translator must be absolutely familiar with the various cosmetology-specific crossing domains: scientific and technical fields and the marketing field. You need to know how to market the cream by offering an appropriate translation which takes into account the competitive environment and complies with the Regulatory Requirements. The scope of cosmetic projects is very wide, ranging from translation of patents and product notices to customer surveys and product trials, including labels, packaging and articles in specialized magazines.

Transcreation as an essential element

Consequently, translation of a cosmetic document requires certain knowledge, persistent creativity and a lot of time, since it is also important to have an idea about the communication between rivals. Therefore, a translator specialized in cosmetics and dermatology should be able to offer a reliable and adequately documented translation.

Translators working with cosmetic documents systematically translate into their mother tongue to ensure correct usage of terminology and idioms, while translating the subtleties for each product. When a translator takes over a document in cosmetics, he should find out all the relevant information about the concerned product and answer the following questions: is it a new product? is it part of an existing product line? have translations already been approved by the brand? It is important to keep the glossary up to date to guarantee consistent translations over time.

Transcreation is a highly creative process in the course of which a message is selected in the original language and recreated to fit a different culture, which can be important for an industry where brand loyalty is considerable. The intrinsic properties of a product may not be sufficient for success, so the affect produced by it should also be taken into account.

Moreover, inaccurate translation can be detrimental. An incorrectly translated user manual or video tutorial that reflects the message you want to convey erroneously, may result in product mishandling, lost of customers, or fall in turnover. There are many reasons why industry professionals entrust their cosmetics translations to specialized translators who can consult and support them in the best possible way.

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  • Optimal quality
  • Absolute confidentiality in the realization of your projects
AFTCom is an ISO 9001: 2015 certified agency; the certificate registered under the number FR061595-1 has been issued by Bureau Veritas
AFTCom entreprise engagée RSE

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