Chinese translation
Mandarin (官话 in simplified Chinese), sometimes erroneously called Chinese or even Pekingese, is a version of Chinese language spoken in the north and southwest of continental China. It is written using synograms and is currently the most often transcribed using pinyin (the romanization system of the Chinese language).
It is considered a language with the largest number of speakers in the world. In fact, Mandarin is the mother tongue of nearly 850 million people and has more than one billion speakers worldwide.
In 1956, Beijing version was designated the official language. It is often considered to be the standard version of this language.
The Mandarin grammar is very similar to that of any other Chinese language. Its phonology is discussed separately.Its morphology is relatively simple due to the lack of inflection of this isolating language.
Chinese languages, and particularly Mandarin, are essentially SVO languages (syntactic typology of a language generally using a Subject-Verb-Object order in the sentences). The determinant always precedes the determinandum. The context plays a very important role in view of non-inflectional character of the language. This is particularly important for oral language, since there are a lot of homophones. There is no verb agreement in Mandarin. On the other hand, temporal particles are used for time indication. Chinese adjectives sometimes tend to take on the role of a verb, which is called a predicative function. There are several categories of adjectives as such.
- Reactivity
- Optimal quality
- Absolute confidentiality in the realization of your projects